15 April 2009

End of classes...

I'm all about class being over. I'm also all about appreciating the hard work teachers put into... well... teaching us all semester. But I can't help but feel a little awkward when people applaud at the end of the last class. Why? That's my question. Why.

It reminds me of the end of this scene a little:

Minus the bobsled.


Lauren said...

what?? people APPLAUD at the end of the semester?

that's the strangest thing i've ever heard....

EmylovePaul said...

ummm we had a review session for my marketing class yesterday and at the end like two people clapped. and no one followed. you would have appreciated it.

Anonymous said...

i don't mind applause...it's encouraged actually.

15 April 2009

End of classes...

I'm all about class being over. I'm also all about appreciating the hard work teachers put into... well... teaching us all semester. But I can't help but feel a little awkward when people applaud at the end of the last class. Why? That's my question. Why.

It reminds me of the end of this scene a little:

Minus the bobsled.


Lauren said...

what?? people APPLAUD at the end of the semester?

that's the strangest thing i've ever heard....

EmylovePaul said...

ummm we had a review session for my marketing class yesterday and at the end like two people clapped. and no one followed. you would have appreciated it.

Anonymous said...

i don't mind applause...it's encouraged actually.