18 May 2010

adventures in mixing

My mom always makes this awesome frozen peanut butter/oreo/whatever pie from a recipe I believe she got from my Aunt Janna once upon a time. To celebrate the arrival of my new kitchen accessory, I decided to make said pie, but mother was unavailable for the recipe, so I found a similar version from The Pioneer Woman. Here's the pie in progress...

Who knew having a stand mixer would make life so easy? It would have been even easier if the grocery store I went to carried Oreo pie crusts, but alas. This is the finished product...

Okay, so it's not the most beautiful pie in the whole wide world, and may even look like a little kid made it, but it's not like I'm entering it in the fair! Still very delicious.


claire said...

good job ris!

marisa said...

thanks. come down and visit and i'll mix something for you.

Ronna said...

I'm sure a frozen peanut butter pie is good any time of year living in a warm climate as you do. Nice job. it looks good enough to eat! (Cream cheese, peanut butter, powdered sugar milk? Chopped peanuts on top, after you artistically swirl the chocolate syrup...

Veronica said...

what. who gave you that and why didn't i get one.

marisa said...

haha. there was a really good deal one day on amazon a couple weeks ago and we had a gift card there, and some extra gift money, so i kind of consider it a mother's day present from doug!

Veronica said...

well i hope you got the 'cook for the cure' edition!

Lauren said...

i love amazon. and also.. lol. "but it's not like I'm entering it in the fair"... i love that this is the highest level of culinary skill: fair entrage

18 May 2010

adventures in mixing

My mom always makes this awesome frozen peanut butter/oreo/whatever pie from a recipe I believe she got from my Aunt Janna once upon a time. To celebrate the arrival of my new kitchen accessory, I decided to make said pie, but mother was unavailable for the recipe, so I found a similar version from The Pioneer Woman. Here's the pie in progress...

Who knew having a stand mixer would make life so easy? It would have been even easier if the grocery store I went to carried Oreo pie crusts, but alas. This is the finished product...

Okay, so it's not the most beautiful pie in the whole wide world, and may even look like a little kid made it, but it's not like I'm entering it in the fair! Still very delicious.


claire said...

good job ris!

marisa said...

thanks. come down and visit and i'll mix something for you.

Ronna said...

I'm sure a frozen peanut butter pie is good any time of year living in a warm climate as you do. Nice job. it looks good enough to eat! (Cream cheese, peanut butter, powdered sugar milk? Chopped peanuts on top, after you artistically swirl the chocolate syrup...

Veronica said...

what. who gave you that and why didn't i get one.

marisa said...

haha. there was a really good deal one day on amazon a couple weeks ago and we had a gift card there, and some extra gift money, so i kind of consider it a mother's day present from doug!

Veronica said...

well i hope you got the 'cook for the cure' edition!

Lauren said...

i love amazon. and also.. lol. "but it's not like I'm entering it in the fair"... i love that this is the highest level of culinary skill: fair entrage