01 March 2011

endure to the end

for christmas, thomas and caley so graciously gave me the insanity workout dvds. i've never been good at new years resolutions but i figure since i have more time than i've ever had in my life (and probably ever will have in my life) this is my year to follow through. so on january 3 (the first monday of 2011) i started day 1 of 63 of insanity. meet my personal trainer, shaun t:

very strange to realize monday will be my last day! this is especially impressive considering i didn't even make it halfway through the 30 day shred (i blame jillian.) i'm trying to decide if i'll jump right in to round 2 of insanity or not. decisions, decisions. so now, i'm becoming obsessed with exercising (naturally) and parentheses (apparently) and pretty much want everything on this list (found here):

i like how the article says to dress for success when exercising. if we do it for everything else, why not this? don't know if it's the san diego sun or what but i have a motivation i've never had before! i hear the sun releases endorphins.

by the way, i've resorted to muting the workout audio and exercising exclusively to justin bieber. happy birthday, jb.


claire said...

justin bieber!!

Caley said...

you're seriously amazing...do you know that?

marisa said...

thanks, caley! but i think you're pretty amazing yourself. come visit!

Ronna said...

way to endure. Those ear-clip headphones are really nice.

Stephanie said...

I watched my bro. and his wife-to-be at the time do this workout and let's just say that the word, intense, does not do justice in conveying how difficult the workout is! You should be proud of yourself girl! You did it and now you're getting ready for round 2! WOOP WOOP! You've got the determination of a contestant on the Apprentice- You're bound to be successful!

01 March 2011

endure to the end

for christmas, thomas and caley so graciously gave me the insanity workout dvds. i've never been good at new years resolutions but i figure since i have more time than i've ever had in my life (and probably ever will have in my life) this is my year to follow through. so on january 3 (the first monday of 2011) i started day 1 of 63 of insanity. meet my personal trainer, shaun t:

very strange to realize monday will be my last day! this is especially impressive considering i didn't even make it halfway through the 30 day shred (i blame jillian.) i'm trying to decide if i'll jump right in to round 2 of insanity or not. decisions, decisions. so now, i'm becoming obsessed with exercising (naturally) and parentheses (apparently) and pretty much want everything on this list (found here):

i like how the article says to dress for success when exercising. if we do it for everything else, why not this? don't know if it's the san diego sun or what but i have a motivation i've never had before! i hear the sun releases endorphins.

by the way, i've resorted to muting the workout audio and exercising exclusively to justin bieber. happy birthday, jb.


claire said...

justin bieber!!

Caley said...

you're seriously amazing...do you know that?

marisa said...

thanks, caley! but i think you're pretty amazing yourself. come visit!

Ronna said...

way to endure. Those ear-clip headphones are really nice.

Stephanie said...

I watched my bro. and his wife-to-be at the time do this workout and let's just say that the word, intense, does not do justice in conveying how difficult the workout is! You should be proud of yourself girl! You did it and now you're getting ready for round 2! WOOP WOOP! You've got the determination of a contestant on the Apprentice- You're bound to be successful!