04 November 2011


last night as i was walking into target bundled up in my winter coat feeling the coldest i've felt in a long time, i realized that i had forgotten what cold feels like. then i remembered...

when my family sang in the live nativity at jensen's grove in subzero temperatures and my feet felt like they were going to fall off

when i was stranded on the side of i-15 with a flat tire in high heels and a skirt on the way back from my wintertime internship

when i was in 3rd grade and only brought a tiny windbreaker on the day of a blizzard but still had to go outside for recess

when i was on a boat that sank on its maiden voyage and i had to cling for my life on a piece of wood while leonardo dicaprio sank to the bottom of the ocean

and soooo many other good times. if i'm lucky, i'll get to experience the cold again during christmas in idaho and hang out with my new niece Cora Violet, 3 days old today! can't wait!


Veronica said...

Hahaha. The Titanic thing.

Cora said she can't wait for Christmas!

Veronica said...

But she also said she will not be attending the live nativity.

Stephanie said...

I know this is way late to comment on this post, but you just cracked me up too much that I had to comment on your brilliance! I loved the Titanic reference! You rock Marisa! Thanks for making me chuckle!

04 November 2011


last night as i was walking into target bundled up in my winter coat feeling the coldest i've felt in a long time, i realized that i had forgotten what cold feels like. then i remembered...

when my family sang in the live nativity at jensen's grove in subzero temperatures and my feet felt like they were going to fall off

when i was stranded on the side of i-15 with a flat tire in high heels and a skirt on the way back from my wintertime internship

when i was in 3rd grade and only brought a tiny windbreaker on the day of a blizzard but still had to go outside for recess

when i was on a boat that sank on its maiden voyage and i had to cling for my life on a piece of wood while leonardo dicaprio sank to the bottom of the ocean

and soooo many other good times. if i'm lucky, i'll get to experience the cold again during christmas in idaho and hang out with my new niece Cora Violet, 3 days old today! can't wait!


Veronica said...

Hahaha. The Titanic thing.

Cora said she can't wait for Christmas!

Veronica said...

But she also said she will not be attending the live nativity.

Stephanie said...

I know this is way late to comment on this post, but you just cracked me up too much that I had to comment on your brilliance! I loved the Titanic reference! You rock Marisa! Thanks for making me chuckle!